31 marzo, 2010

For The Love Of God, Shower: Geek Soap

For The Love Of God, Shower: Geek Soap: "geek-soap-1.jpg

Soap, as you may well know, is an integral part of cleaning yourself unless you're European. And what better way to keep your gooch minty fresh than a giant D-20 soap on a rope? Plus no more prison shower sex! Kidding, kidding, still plenty of prison shower sex. Anyway, Etsy seller The Pink Toque has a series of geeky soaps affectionately trademarked GEEKSOAP. And it's not all dice either, hit the jump for some Star Trek, binary, Cthulhu, and other geeky soap action. Now, who wants to scrub my back? Oh yeah, lower. Lower. Lower. What? Don't act like you've never touched a dingleberry before.

Hit the jump for more and another link to the Etsy store."

Obama researching Captain America shields, Green Lantern rings, other awesome devices

Obama researching Captain America shields, Green Lantern rings, other awesome devices: "

Forget health care and national wireless — let me put some tax money into an Oan power ring!

Dean Trippe proves that you can make politics funny (and not in a “I want to jump off a bridge afterwards” kind of way), with his series “Barack Obama Looking at Awesome Things.” His political slogan should be: “Power rings for some — shield-sized American flags for others!”

However you stand on the political aisle, seeing Barack with Optimus Prime is living proof that you, Mr. Trippe, are a real American hero.


30 marzo, 2010

2D2: ¿La organización terrorista Quantum liderada por una femme fatale?, incorporaciones para Los Pitufos, de mucho peso, y "The Walking Dead", de calidad, Mark Millar dijo no a X-Men 4 y primer spot de Iron Man 2…

2D2: ¿La organización terrorista Quantum liderada por una femme fatale?, incorporaciones para Los Pitufos, de mucho peso, y "The Walking Dead", de calidad, Mark Millar dijo no a X-Men 4 y primer spot de Iron Man 2…: "

¿Todavía no habéis los bombazos de la jornada? Venga, venga… The Hobbit se retrasa más y Godzilla vuelve al cine. Sigamos ahora con rumores de hoy lunes. CinemaBlend se saca de la manga uno bastante interesante que si llegará a cumplirse apuntaría genial. Parece ser que los productores del siguiente episodio de las saga Bond, Bond 23 (¿?), podría contar con una fémina más en sus filas. Esta vez se trataría de la siempre atrayente Rachel Weisz, pero ojo, no como Bond Girl, eso según los últimos rumores quedaría de mano de Freida Pinto y Olivia Wilde. No, la Weisz puede estar siendo tanteada para encarnar a la mente pensante detrás de Quantum, la organización criminal que ha marcado el destino de James Bond (Daniel Craig) en la fabulosa Casino Royale (2006) y la no tanto Quantum of Solace (2008). En defensa de CinemaBlend, un portal que no se prodiga con primicias o exclusivas, vale la pena decir que la fuente que les ha chivado esta sorpresa es la misma que les aseguró que Black Widow estaría en Iron Man 2 (2010)… y acertó. Para quedarnos 100% a gusto os dejo con el primer spot en bastante buena calidad del film marvelita, tiene algún que otro plano nuevo.

Momento fichajes. Heat Vision Blog de THR.com anuncia que la voluptuosa Sofia Vergara ha firmado con Columbia Pictures para trabajar en Los Pitufos (The Smurfs, 2011) de Raja Gosnell. Vergara interpretará a Odile, una ejecutiva de una empresa de cosmética francesa donde trabaja el personaje de Neil Patrick Harris. ¿Cosmética?, parece ser que Los pitufos abandonan la era medieval y se nos viene al presente. ¿Acierto o error? Es Bloody Disgusting la que nos indica que ya tenemos protagonista para la serie "The Walking Dead" (2010) de Frank Darabont y AMC. Junto a la reciente incorporación de Jon Bernthal, que ahora se descubre será Shane, compañero de trabajo del protagonista, debemos sumar a Jonny Lee Miller que hará de Rick Grimes, el centro de la historia y con el tiempo líder de un grupo de supervivientes en un mundo plagado por zombis. Cerramos este bloque visitando ShockTillYouDrop.com y descubriendo que la factoría KNB EFX Group será la encargada de poner toda la carne en el asador, aunque esta vez se pasará de fresca, en esta serie que adapta la obra comiquera de Robert Kirkman.

Sofía Vergara traerá a Los Pitufos de cabeza... y a Neil Patrick Harris, y a Hank Azaria y a todo el que se le ponga por delante
Sofía Vergara traerá a Los Pitufos de cabeza…
y a Neil Patrick Harris, y a Hank Azaria y a todo el que se le ponga por delante

El cierre de hoy lo pone el omnipresente Mark Millar. En Millaworld.tv el guionista comiquero asegura que 20th Century Fox le puso sobre la mesa un contrato para hacerse cargo de la escritura del guión de X-Men 4 (¿?), el retorno de la saga X-Men como la conocemos hasta ahora en los cines y alejada de lo que nos espera con X-Men: First Class (¿?). Millar de todas formas dice que tras hablar con el directivo de la Fox que se puso en contacto con él, tuvo que decirle que no estaba interesado. ¿Y eso? Pues comenta que aunque le encantan las películas de los X-Men, el poder crear algo en donde tendrá el poder absoluto, como creador y propietario, es algo que no le pueden ofrecer al hacerse cargo de un proyecto de esta categoría. En fin, prefiere dedicarse a dar rienda suelta a ideas propias y personales, aunque reconoce que tenía una visión muy interesante y refrescante para relanzar la saga mutante.

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El porqué Mega Man 10 tiene un modo fácil

El porqué Mega Man 10 tiene un modo fácil: "

- ¡Tío! ¡Este juego es difíiiiiicil!!

- ¿Eso es malo?

- ¿Por qué crees que dejaron de hacer juegos de Battletoads? La mayoría de la gente todavía lo está intentando con el primero…

Vía: Lilformers


29 marzo, 2010

Así debían abrir las tiendas de videojuegos…

Así debían abrir las tiendas de videojuegos…: "

Estar esperando a que abra tu tienda de videojuegos para poder hacerte con una flamante copia del God of War III, y que sea el propio Kratos el que te levante la reja debe dar tantas ganas de huir despavorido como de ponerse a masacrar bichos mitológicos en la Play. Este espectacular cosplay ha sido uno de tantos que se han hecho para promocionar el estelar juego de Sony, pero da gusto por lo bien recreado que está.

Por cierto, según tengo entendido es brasileño el Kratos este…

Vía: Eslaultima


The Extraordinary Monday's Morning Motivator Extravaganza (y 17)

The Extraordinary Monday's Morning Motivator Extravaganza (y 17): "

Se hace saber al respetable que la familia Marciana aprovechará estos dias de asueto para pasar revista a otra de las bases secretas del Gran Ejército Marciano. ¿Cual? Lo siento, si os lo dijera, tendría que mataros. Ups, ahora recuerdo que ayer se lo comenté sin querer a...


Supongo que nadie es imprescindible en el Gran Plan Marciano de Dominación Mundial.

Así que hasta el martes, majos. No, mañana no, el otro. Eeeeeso es. Portaos bien...


27 marzo, 2010

Gaming Vest Makes Virtual Fights Real and Painful

Gaming Vest Makes Virtual Fights Real and Painful: "

tactile-gaming-vestNext time your character gets shot while playing Call of Duty it could hurt for real. A tactile gaming vest created at the University of Pennsylvania can make wearers feel a punch or a gunfire hit in sync with what’s happening on screen.


“The idea is to develop a haptic interface for first person shooting games,” says Saurabh Palan, a graduate student at the university who is working on the project, on his website. “The feeling of bullet hit, body impact and vibration or a shoulder tap will enhance the gaming experience and fun.”

It’s not all play with the vest. It can be modified for real time simulation and training by the military, says Palan.

The vest uses four solenoid actuators in the chest and shoulders in front, and two solenoids in the back, explains IEEE Spectrum. Vibrating motors clustered against the shoulder blades simulate a reaction similar to getting stabbed. All the components are controlled and linked to the game such that the appropriate solenoid “fires” depending on where the character in the video game is getting hit.

IEEE Spectrum says the entire experience is “closer to a paintball excursion, but it doesn’t hurt as much.” Still the gaming vest sounds pretty masochistic to me. But for those who crave greater realism in their video games, this could be a good way to feel the pain without the bruises.

Photo: Gaming vest (Saurabh Palan)


How Can I Read If All My Books Have Giant Holes In The Middle?: Lightsaber Bookends

How Can I Read If All My Books Have Giant Holes In The Middle?: Lightsaber Bookends: "lightsaber-bookends.jpg

Been searching for the perfect Star Wars themed bookends? Who hasn't, amirite? Well pray yourself to sleep no more, my friends, because here comes the bride!

Here's an exclusive everyone is excited about -- a set of illuminated bookends that sports Darth Vader's lightsaber piercing through your prized set of Star Wars novels, comics, or DVDs! Bookends appear with 'molten' holes where the blade is attached. Battery power eliminates the need for cords. Batteries not included.

$50 takes a set home. Alternatively, a quality set of faux boobs could run you up to $10K. Which, geez, I'm fine with just rubbing face on a lightsaber. *zip* NO NOT YOURS.

Hit the jump for one more shot of the pshfwwwuuuummmmm (that's the sound a lightsaber makes)."

25 marzo, 2010

Girl Balancing 15 Books On Head, Solving Rubik's Cube And Reciting Pi To 100 Digits

Girl Balancing 15 Books On Head, Solving Rubik's Cube And Reciting Pi To 100 Digits: "

It's exactly what the title says. Although I would have liked to see the Rubik's cube a little more mixed up. Jesus -- what is this, amateur hour?


Thanks to b00geyman, who can balance 16 books on his head, solve two Rubik's cubes and recite pi to 1,000 digits. Now that's a headlining act."

Luke, I Am Your Coal-Burning Enemy: A Steampunk'd Stormtrooper Helmet

Luke, I Am Your Coal-Burning Enemy: A Steampunk'd Stormtrooper Helmet: "steampunk-stormtrooper.jpg

This is what a steampunk stormtrooper's helmet might look like. Or it might look entirely different, it's really hard to say because George Lucas is a jerk and desecrated my childhood. Regardless, like the Trade Federation motto goes, 'brass, glass or coal gas, no one rides for free'. Except Han, I'd Millennium the shit out of his falcon any day.

steampunk stormtrooper helmet is geek overload [technabob]"

Pfft, Forget Basketball: Superhero Brackets

Pfft, Forget Basketball: Superhero Brackets: "super-brackets.jpg

For those of you that don't care about college basketball, here are some superhero brackets created by ESPN so you can feel like you're participating in something. Me? I only participate in pageants and ménage à trois. Back me up, hands. I'll sit on you!

Nerd alert! We've ranked the top 32 comic book superheroes and supervillains -- now it's your turn to help us decide who will win 'The Herd's' March bracket.

The Incredible 8 have been announced and voting for the Fantastic 4 is underway!

You can go HERE to vote if you really care. I don't though, so I didn't. Superman vs. Wolverine, really? How is that even a matchup? That's like pitting my Chicago Cubs against a 10-and-under girl's softball team. Should be close.

Superheroes vs. Supervillains Bracket [espn]

Thanks to pstonebatman, who throws games to make the other team feel better about themselves. Dammit pstone, YOU WILL NEVER BE A WARRIOR."

Oh Hai, Tough Guy: A Flamethrowing Scooter

Oh Hai, Tough Guy: A Flamethrowing Scooter: "flamethrowing-scooter.jpg

British scooter lover (and snazzy dresser) Colin Fruze went and developed a flame-throwing setup for his ride. Why? Because he's a badass, that's why! Kidding, nobody badass drives a scooter (except you of course). The flames shoot 12-feet out the back of the tailpipe (not unlike my roommate after the atomic hot-wing challenge) and encourage drivers to keep their distance. Now I'm not saying that bottom pic is the last thing a tailgater will ever see, but it is. Well, the last thing they'll ever see before running the f*** over a jackass on a scooter.

Flamethrowing scooter keeps tailgaters at bay [dvice]"

Impressive Work: Mario And Peach Sculpture In The Style of Michelangelo's 'La Pietà'

Impressive Work: Mario And Peach Sculpture In The Style of Michelangelo's 'La Pietà': "mario-sculpture-1.jpg

Artist Kordian Lewandowski went and carved Princess Peach and Mario in the style of Michelangelo's 'La Pietà'. It is most impressive. I posted a couple more pictures after the jump, including a reference shot of the original artwork, and a shot of this one with Kordian beside it, so you can appreciate the scale. Good lookin', Kordian. And classy. Speaking of which -- any chance of getting Princess Zelda in the style of buttnaked woman?

Hit the jump for the rest."

Good Recovery: Clever Stripper Is Clever

Good Recovery: Clever Stripper Is Clever: "clever-stripper.jpg

This is a note sent to a teacher in regard to a picture a little girl drew of her mommy at work. In case you can't tell, her mother shakes her ass for singles. Or does she? Yes, she does. Woman wouldn't know a circular saw if she were getting cut into pieces (it's a real possibility).

Picture [flickr]

Thanks to Emma, who has never participated in take your daughter to work day. Don't worry Emma, I'm sure she's not a stripper."




* punto de reunion previo a la espalda del coney park a las 5 pm
* lleva un reproductor de música
* lleva ropa y/o accesorios llamativos
* baila al ritmo de tu música, solo, con pareja o n grupo a la señal (sabrás cual es)
* bailarás 5 minutos y luego te dispersarás
* no ocasiones daños
* pasa los datos y el flyer por e-mail o invita por el FB

videos ejemplo:


1D2: Impresionante teaser trailer de Scott Pilgrim vs. The World…

1D2: Impresionante teaser trailer de Scott Pilgrim vs. The World…: "

Nuevamente un día cargadito. Tras la presentación de Filminos, la tira cómica creada por Abel Alves y que nos acompañará todos los domingos mientra el cuerpo aguante, es momento de mirar nuevamente a Hollywood ya que hoy jueves el tema viene particularmente cargado y movidito. En primer lugar, cae de cajón, os dejo con el recién aparecido primer esperado teaser trailer de Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) de Edgar Wright. Lo tenéis en alta definición en la web de Apple montada a propósito para su presentación.

La verdad, tiene una pinta sencillamente fabulosa y en manos de Wright, que sabe de sobra lo que se hace, mucho más todavía. El teaser supura fanatismo comiquero a borbotones y deja claro que Michael Cera es el actor ideal para transformarse en Scott Pilgrim. El teaser lo tiene todo, presentación de Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera), bajista de la banda Sex Bob-omb, y Ramona V. Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), así como el descubrimiento del gran reto al que deberá enfrentarse nuestro protagonista… acabar con los siete exnovios de Ramona, los miembros de la League of Ramona’s Evil Ex-Boyfriends! Hay secuencias de combate contra Lucas Lee (Chris Evans), segundo exnovio y un skateboarder profesional que ahora es actor de cine, Matthew Patel (Satya Bhabha), primer exnovio, indio y al que sus poderes místicos le permiten invocar demonios, Todd Ingram (Brandon Routh), tercer exnovio, y sus poderes psíquicos o Roxanne Richter (Mae Whitman), cuarto, esta vez exnovia y compañera de universidad de la chica de la peli. Pero lo más flipante es la secuencia con las espadas y la inclusión de las onomatopeyas al más puro estilo "Batman" (1966-1968). Desde ya la segunda gran película comiquera que más espero junto a Kick-Ass (2010)! Antes de ponerme con el resto de noticias os dejo con algunas de las imágenes del teaser que vale la pena mirar con detenimiento…

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (fotograma)

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24 marzo, 2010

Oh Wow: Meg From Family Guy In Real Life

Oh Wow: Meg From Family Guy In Real Life: "real-life-meg.jpg

Ever wonder what Meg from Family Guy would look like in real life? Well now you know. And probably wish you didn't. Too late suckers -- have fun dreaming about her!

Real Life Meg [filmdrunk]

Thanks to Stephen and cocoa, who both party like Brian. Except Stephen, he's a lightweight."

Five to Pull / One to Pass: March 24

Five to Pull / One to Pass: March 24: "

Amazing Spider-Man #626

Creative team: Story by Fred Van Lente; Art by Micahel Gaydos

Villain to Watch: The new Scorpion

They say: Hiya, Retailers, Fred Van Lente here to tell you we could never let 'The Gauntlet' get by without the return of another classic Spider-Man foe...The Scorpion! She has brand new powers, a new modus operandi, and you won't believe her reason for tangling with Spidey-- Hm, what? Yes, we said 'she.' Why? Who did you think we meant?

I say: I was starting to wane on this series until last week, when the phenomenal handling of the Rhino subplot roped me right back in. I have to admit that I'm not exactly thunderstruck with the idea of 'reinventing the character with a gender-switch' thing, but last week's issue bought a considerable amount of leeway from me. Besides, this series has been rock-solid.

Green Lantern #52

Creative team: Story by Geoff Johns; Art by Doug Mahnke

Villain to Watch: Sinestro... The White Lantern(!)

They say: Blackest Night's penultimate chapter is here, and you do not want to miss this issue. Trust us on this one.

I say: ''Blackest Night's' penultimate chapter?' I'm so in. Not because this has been the best blockbuster arc between the two major publishers, mind you (because I really do think 'Dark Reign' has been the far superior series). But I've invested so much in this series simply through reading DC's line that I'm desperate to see where everything finishes up.

Mighty Avengers #35

Creative team: Story by Dan Slott; Art by Khoi Pham

Villain to Watch: Ultron

They say: The Avengers' greatest threat returns! And he's not alone... A rag-tag team of Mighty Avengers are thrust onto the front lines of Seige...with no one to lead them! And where's Hankl Pym? Trapped in Pym-Space with his greatest enemy, his sinister cybernetic 'son', Ultron! A war on two fronts, a team divided, and when it's over...not everyone will be coming back! Big threats, big changes, and the biggest Avengers surprise of them all revealed!

I say: I think I'm still going to prefer Frank Cho's version of Ultron, but this appearance has been teased out for the past few issues. It's time to get on with it. Besides that, this series' development of Hank Pym as the Earth's 'Scientist Supreme' has made the title itself one to watch.

Power Girl #10

Creative team: Story by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray; Art by Amanda Conner

Villain to Watch: Satanna

They say: Power Girl squares off against Satanna and her Animal Army just as Terra enters the fray!

This should be a good thing, but somehow it looks like Power Girl's got a new enemy!

I say: This and 'Amazing Spider-Man' are the only consistent performers on the shelves outside of the 'Dark Reign' and 'Blackest Night' events.

The Satanna storyline has been an extremely fun read, so there's no reason to jump off the train now.

Thunderbolts #142

Creative team: Story by Jeff Parker; Art by Wellington Alves

Villain to Watch: Ghost

They say: As the Mighty Avengers clash with the Thunderbolts in the Siege of Asgard, surprises abound. What are everyone's true motivations, and when push comes to punch, where do their loyalties lie? Will this most twisted version of the team produce any heroes - or will the Thunderbolts' tradition of redemption get stomped into the muddy battlefield that is The Siege?

I say: Speaking of series on the wane (and I hate to admit it) 'Thunderbolts' is starting to slow down a little bit for me. As with a couple other titles, though, I'm hanging with it based on past performance. This ish shows some potential, so it stays on the List for a while longer.

Honorable mentions:
Avengers Initiative #34, Deadpool #21, Fall of the Hulks Red Hulk #3, ZZZZZZZZZ, Justice League Rise of Arsenal #1, New Avengers #63.

...And One To Pass

Deadpool Corps Rank and Foul #1

Creative team: Story by Jeff Christiansen and others; Art by Gus Vazquez and others

Villain to Watch: Dr. Bong

They say: In the Marvel Universe Handbook style, this one-shot has everything you need to make sense of Deadpool! (Is that even possible?) In this issue, there are more all-new profiles than 'Pool has voices in his head -- from 'allies' (Outlaw, Weasel, Zombie Deadpool), to enemies (Ajax, Dr. Bong, Madcap), to the hotties (Dr. Betty, Blind Al, Big Bertha) and the sheer awesomeness of the Sack! How could you pass this up? You know at least one of your personalities will love it! Featuring NEW ART for dozens of characters! More fun than a barrel of gun-wielding monkeys!

I say: It's official. They've milked the Deadpool thing dry. It was a nice few months, though.

Dishonorable mentions:
Female Force Michelle Obama Year One #1, Prelude to Deadpool Corps #4.

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